Monday, May 4, 2009

SK May Challenge {A day in the life of a mom}

Mother's day is around the corner and everyone is gearing up for it.  Do join in the Scrappin Kid's May Mom challenge.  I honestly find that most Asians underrate the notion of a housewife.  I remember when I stopped working,  I was sneered at just quitting to become a housewife.  Well,  to me the art of being a housewife - you need to to work harder and organise even more matters than a manager - but hey thats just me.

Hence,  I added a small fun journalling as below:

"A day in the life of me is a pretty hectic one
I shuffle in and out of the house
doing household chores like cooking and the laundry
whilst driving around like F1 driver
navigating the very clogged up streets of KL
I try to sneak in any time in between to scrap
and to go online which is bliss to me
I resent people call me JUST A MOM
I am a domestic engineer, excuse me!!
So hear me roar!! hehehe"

Materials used:
Kraft paper,  Michael Miller pp (thanks Jessy),  Lace cs,  Thickers alphas,  Rubons by 7Gypsies, Alphas stickers by Rebecca Sower,  Twill,  Black pom pom trim and Jenny Bowlin Ticket Stub from Laines.


  1. I like that LO Michelle :-) I have those papers too .... heehehee (I like the how to keep a husband one LOL).
